Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's the Life in Your Years

I didn't realize yesterday that when I was picking out cheeses for my birthday Wine and Cheese event, that I would end up with nine different ones. Interesting coincidence, since I was turning 29.

Last year, my birthday was much crazier. I had just moved to Las Vegas and was still finding my feet. I went out for drinks and ended up staying out until 2:30pm the next day. Time dissolves in Vegas. I decided then that I didn't really need another Vegas experience. I was pretty much experienced out.

This year, my Stunt Guy is back in Georgia, so for my birthday I decided to surround myself with lovely positive people for an evening of nothing in particular. Just some great wine and great cheese.

The Menu

Blue Cheese, Pear and Honey Tartines

Goat Cheese and Caramelized Onion Tarts

Apple, Cheddar and Sage Flatbread

Lemon Ricotta and Blueberry Tarts

Raspberry Cream Cheese Tarts

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Gruyere Gougeres


I also had some Bucheron, Triple Cream Brie, Seafoam Cheddar, Cave Aged Blue, and some bread with Mediterranean Dipping Oil.

It was quite the calorie fest. I love hosting get togethers. I really enjoy making food and hosting. I find it incredibly convenient also that once you are done, you can just roll into bed, no driving home, deal with the cleanup in the morning.

It was a lovely birthday.

My motto this year is a quote from Lincoln.

It's not the years in your life that counts, it's the life in your years.

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